Dear Peerless Green Initiatives,
Welcome to the United Nations Global Compact. We are pleased to inform you that Peerless Green Initiatives has been added to our register of participants:
Thank you for joining our corporate responsibility initiative - the world's largest with over 8,000 business and non-business participants in 135 countries. An official welcome letter and information package will be sent to your organization's top executive via mail. Please allow 3 to 6 weeks for delivery.
Expectations of Participation
As a participant, Peerless Green Initiatives commits to:
* Set in motion changes to business operations so that the UN Global Compact and our Ten Principles become part of strategy, culture and day-to-day operations, including in subsidiaries and the supply chain;
* Advocate the UN Global Compact and the Ten Principles via available communications channels; and
* Communicate annually with your stakeholders on efforts to implement the UN Global Compact principles, and post this Communication on Progress (COP) on the UN Global Compact website. Failure to post a COP annually will result in loss of an "active" status in the UN Global Compact, and eventual removal from the initiative.
New participants are urged to review the Communication on Progress section of the UN Global Compact website. Information can be found on: minimum requirements for the COP; guidance on creating, sharing and posting a COP; and practical examples of how companies are communicating progress.
A resource library is available on our website to aid UN Global Compact participants in implementing the Ten Principles, engaging in partnerships and communicating progress on corporate responsibility actions.
Local Networks
We encourage your company - and any subsidiaries, if relevant - to engage in Global Compact Local Networks, which can be found in over 80 countries. Within a local context, these networks provide opportunities for participants to improve understanding and share experiences on the Ten Principles and partnerships, as well as how to report on progress in these areas. Collective action campaigns and government policy dialogues are also organized through the Local Networks. More information can be found in the "Local Networks" section of our website:
The Global Compact Office
United Nations Global Compact
Two United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
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